Here's an interesting new plugin from Lunacy Audio.
It's a convolution reverb, granular processor and filter.
What's particularly interesting is the routing. You can split the "beam" into up to six Parallel paths.
You can nest parallell paths within each path.
You can have up to three of each effect in a patch.
It also has two LFOs for modulation and each LFO can be edited shaper box style.
And it sure is pretty.
It's a convolution reverb, granular processor and filter.
What's particularly interesting is the routing. You can split the "beam" into up to six Parallel paths.
You can nest parallell paths within each path.
You can have up to three of each effect in a patch.
It also has two LFOs for modulation and each LFO can be edited shaper box style.
And it sure is pretty.
Statistics: Posted by kraster — Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:37 am — Replies 0 — Views 84