I am new to the Bitwig world, coming from Ableton Live, but drawn by the infinitely better development tools available for writing controller scripts with Bitwig. In the process of converting my Python scripts to Java there is just one thing (so far...) that I can't get my head round - how do I turn on/off a (VST3) device? There is no way to grab the parameter ID of it through the UI, and it doesn't seem to default to parameter 0, neither is there a method on the SpecificDevice class, so I am stumped for the moment.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
- Paul
I am new to the Bitwig world, coming from Ableton Live, but drawn by the infinitely better development tools available for writing controller scripts with Bitwig. In the process of converting my Python scripts to Java there is just one thing (so far...) that I can't get my head round - how do I turn on/off a (VST3) device? There is no way to grab the parameter ID of it through the UI, and it doesn't seem to default to parameter 0, neither is there a method on the SpecificDevice class, so I am stumped for the moment.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
- Paul
Statistics: Posted by PB-fr — Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:27 pm — Replies 0 — Views 19